• Exclusive subsidy schenes for micro manufacturing enterprises established anywhere in the state
  • 100% subsidy on the net value of value added Tax(VAT) paid by them for the first 6 years upto the value of investment made in eligible plant and machinery at the time of allotment of Enterpreneur memorandum No. Part II
  • Stamp duty exemption on mortaged and pledged documents
  • 15% capital subsidy on the value of eligible plant and machinery subject to a maximum of 3.75 lakhs
  • 20% low tension power tariff subsidy for 36 months from the date of commencement of commercial productionor from the date of power connection which ever is later

The mission of the District Industries Centre is to generate employment by motivating and offering handholding support to the self determined enthusiastic entrepreneurs to set up Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Cottage and Handicrafts Industries.

District Industries Centre, a district level institution for enhancing the growth by promoting especially Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises is functioning under the Department of Industries and Commerce of Government of Tamilnadu.

The mission of the District Industries Centre is to generate employment by motivating and offering handholding support to the self determined enthusiastic entrepreneurs to set up Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Cottage and Handicrafts Industries.

The programmes and schemes being implemented by this organization are multidimensional and need based with the pointed aim to promote industrial growth.


The District Industries Centre is headed by General Manager who is supported by other staff. General Manager is also acting as Assistant Director (Industrial Co-operatives) and also Assistant Director (Electrical and Electronics)

Subsidy Availed Units 2016-17 - Click Here To Download

UYEGP Beneficiaries 2016-17 - Click Here To Download

Pollution Control Board & White Category Industries - Click Here To Download


The mission of the District To be one among the best managed district industries centre in the country. Create a system that can store and retrieve information that will be useful for entrepreneurs reference. To develop the district with abudant opportunities for employment and entrepreneurship.